Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Entering the world of blogging

Hello fellow bloggers, my name is Courtney. I am 21 year old stay-at-home-mom to a wonderful little 9 month old girl, Lily. I am also engaged to the love of my life, and father of my only child, Merlin. A date has yet to be set, but we're in no rush.
I live in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. But I am from all over Canada. I grew up in a small mining town in northern Manitoba, called Flin Flon. Not a whole lot to do up there, especially with those -40 + windchill, 6 month long winters. I was more than ready to fly the coop when I graduated from high school, and moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. Where I attended the University of Regina and worked for a few years, before meeting Merlin (online at that!) and eventually moving in with him, in Vancouver, British Columbia. I really do love living on the coast, but I'll always be a prairie girl at heart.
I've just recently became a Nova Scotian, as we just made the move from BC to here 4 months ago. Yep, we packed up our Toyota Corolla with as much as it could carry, literally, piled Lily and our dog Maya in the car and headed east. Not really a conventional way of doing things, but we're not really a conventional family. I am sure this blog will contain many of the ups and downs still connected with moving from one of the biggest cities in the country, to one of the most remote places in the country!
Like I said, I am a stay-at-home-mom, though I have just recently started up my own cloth diapering business. I say this a lot, but when I was pregnant, and even for the first little while after Lily was born I never even considered using cloth diapers. Heck, I didn't even know people still used them at all. But I sure was wrong. Anyways I'm not here to try and convince others to use cloth diapers, even if I think they should. It is something I am quite passionate about, as it really did change my entire lifestyle, I have turned myself into quite the "crunchy" mama.What most people would label me as, is a hippie, though I don't really like that term, I prefer crunchy. Hopefully a good portion of this blog will be dedicated to the ins and outs of running my business and my family life, as well as "greener" living.
Other than that, I am in the process of getting my real estate license. It sounds kind of funny because the two are completely different, but I have found quite a flair for selling things, and Merlin and I already own 3 properties at the ripe old age of 20 and 21, respectively, it is something I am also very interested in. I've also studied Journalism in University, though it is no longer a career I want to pursue.
My fiance, Merlin, is a chef-in-training. He is on his way to getting his Red Seal certification, and I can definitely tell you, as a woman who has very little cooking skills, it is wonderful to be living with a chef-in-training. It was the best when he was in culinary school actually, because I always got to taste his homework. I'm sure if you stick around this blog long enough, you'll see some of his creations.

I have never really had a personal blog before, but I felt it was time to jump on that super, information highway and finally try it out. Please feel free to subscribe!!

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